Manifestation of Your Dreams Are Happening Now

Manifestation of Your Dreams Are Happening Now

The asking has been made, clarity is gained, belief and trust is certain and the manifestation is happening.

Now we have to let go of everything, surrender our goals and dreams to God, and that has nothing to do with “giving up” anything, on the contrary, it is now that the creation really begins, and our job is to get out of our own way.

We don’t know how the manifestation is happening, and often times when we look back in hindsight we could not have seen the actual way coming.

Leave the path to God, just know that it is being unfold for you as we speak. Every step you take in complete faith and trust is bringing you and that which you desire towards each other. Your only job is to remain in a peaceful state of mind, expecting the best and act when you get some sort of insight, hunch or idea.

Do not wait until “tomorrow”, go with the momentum now.

It is very important that you do, because the idea or insight you just got might not feel as strong tomorrow. You have to act immediately when you get them. Even if they feel completely out of context.

As long as you follow your heart and trust your intuition, the seemingly unimportant things you are asked to do might very well point you into a new direction that you had no clue about before. It might send you towards a person or a situation that could help you in the manifestation of your dream.

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We can never know. If you wait until “tomorrow” with the nudges you get you are only postponing the manifestation, so act immediately.

Let go of the need to control.

Do not try to control how it will manifest, do not try to manipulate your way to “make it happen” and remember that the meaning of “receive” is just that; to receive.

It is not about chasing, grabbing, struggling or striving to try to manifest it.

Open your arms and say “I am receiving this Now”, and then go about your day and think of other things while feeling expectant and grateful of wish already fulfilled.

The path is now being revealed to you, the way is made clear and the path is straight.

When following your heart, you are protected and guided all the way, and when you suddenly find yourself standing in the middle of your vision, a new and bigger one will well up inside you and you are indeed a conscious creator who knows how to work with energy; ready and eager to dream even bigger next time!