Creating the New Day

Creating the New Day

What do we do while we are sleeping? Many people believe we set about planning our next day. There is growing support for this theory. The premise is that humans mentally sort out their experiences at night. This process includes strategizing the direction of the new day.

We cannot determine the course of the future with any accuracy. From a metaphysical perspective, the future is an infinite number of possibilities. These possibilities are not hallucinations. They exist in a real way. Future possibilities become probabilities as they draw closer to us. Eventually, one probability will become our present moment. As time is a continuum, the moments I speak of are on an unbroken chain.

During the sleep cycle, we spend our time working with teachers in a classroom sorting out the day’s events. Since the new day has yet to be created, our teachers help us decide what possibilities to choose. This is a process I call “plotting.” These choices are always in furtherance of our personal growth and spiritual evolution. There are occasions, when a decision leads to negative consequences. We must remember that we made this decision before the event occurred. Such experiences serve to teach us valuable lessons. Some of them are hard lessons to learn.

The new day does not come into existence until we create the outline we will follow. In other words, our days are not scripted. We cannot fill in the details since the law of cause and effect controls the fate of our actions. We can only influence the direction our day takes. That’s not to say that our choices do not matter. Our choices largely determine where we will end up.

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Outside forces always play a role in the outcome of situations we concern ourselves. Things like the weather and traffic have an impact on our plotting. We have no control over these things. That’s stating the obvious. This is also true of what other people do or do to us. We can only control how we respond to their actions. This dynamic has a significant impact on our day. By positively responding to other people’s behavior, we are able to stick to our nightly plotting activities

We do not always follow the plans we have made the night before. This causes a setback in our mission for this life. Your intuition will tell you whether you are on the right track. Try to stick with what you know is right even if it means enduring a little pain. Your subconscious self will never ask you to do something that is wrong or against your integrity. Nor will it suggest you do something that hinders your spiritual growth.