Using Attraction Marketing to Generate Leads For Your Network Marketing Business

Using Attraction Marketing to Generate Leads For Your Network Marketing Business

Attraction marketing offers a much better way to find leads for your network marketing business, compared to the standard methods that are taught to new distributors, such as knocking on doors, posting of flyers, and cold calling. Basically, the traditional way of marketing is based on selling, which is considered by many people to be irritating and annoying. This is understandable because many salespeople have practiced hard selling tactics so that the moment a person realizes that you are trying to sell something to him, he puts up his defenses and it would be very difficult for you to make him understand about benefits of your product or opportunity. Attraction marketing gets over this hurdle by letting people buy instead.

The reason it is called attraction marketing is that instead of you going to the prospects, your goal is to attract buyers. Instead of people considering you to be a nuisance when you try to sell your business opportunity to them, you simply deliver messages to your leads to attract them. Of course, the first thing that you need to do is lead generation, which is something that can be automated when using the Internet. This is one of the important tasks that is undertaken by the My Lead System Pro, which is a system that provides solutions for the common problems of distributors.

Attraction marketing transforms the network marketer into a magnet for potential customers and distributors. Your work is made easier because you do not have to look for them. Your website and autoresponder automatically attracts and interacts with people who have already shown an interest either in the business or on the products that you are marketing. With this strategy, you no longer have to depend on cold calling and examining your list of prospects to determine the ones who will fit your business. Aside from saving time, you do not even have to go through the process of moving from one rejection to another just to find the right people.

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And after using the concept of attraction marketing to find leads, it is also possible monetize your list even if only five percent will eventually become distributors or customers. This is a crucial strategy for boosting your chances of success in this kind of business. While it requires a much smaller amount of capital, the lack of money is also one of the leading reasons by a distributor will decide to quit. In the above system, because you are not actively marketing or selling to your prospects, it could be compared to a kind of sales funnel that at the start is wide but gets narrower and narrower as you move to the center. And if you are able to develop a way to earn something from a certain percentage of your leads as you provide them with valuable service, the inflow of money would ensure that you have enough funds to continue your business.