Be a Success by Being Relentless – Ways to Become Rich

Be a Success by Being Relentless – Ways to Become Rich

“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” – Mario Andretti

One of the best success lesson that I’ve ever learned encompasses only two words: BE RELENTLESS.

That means to be UNYIELDING in the pursuit of your goals. I understand that life happens. We all have set backs and sometimes not so much even set backs as things that divert our attention to other things that urgently need to be handled.

I just want you to remember that in all of life’s twists and turns it is you and only you that can truly hold yourself accountable to doing what must be done to build your dream. That is a part of the awesome responsibility of living a life of your own design, on your own terms.

The bad news is that no one is going to just give you the life that you seek. You are not entitle to it and it is not waiting for you. Most people will never tell you that truth.

The life that you seek is something that you must earn, something that you must build. It is right at your fingertips, but you must reach out and grab it.

Of course you know this, because you have no doubt worked very hard up to this point and I honor you for your accomplishments and for your efforts. Unfortunately, it is not me who gets to decide when and if you get what you want out of life. The Universe only rewards results, and results are had by consistent (not occasionally) action taken over a period of time.

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So, be UNRELENTING this week in the pursuit of your dream life and brace yourself for the accelerated speed at which your dream becomes a reality.